Sabtu, 10 September 2011

How to Lose Weight with Coconut Oil

There are various ways you can do to lose weight. One way that trust is by consumingcoconut oil. Is it true that coconut oil can lose weight?

Several studies that are specialized for researching coconut oil or other types of fattyacids it contains have shown mixed results in terms of losing weight.

Coconut oil is a tropical vegetable oils made ​​from dried palm fruit from the tree.Coconut oil is comprised mostly of a particular type of saturated fatty acids. In onetablespoon of coconut oil contains 117 calories and 13.6 grams of fat.

"Although the calories dikanudng high palm oil and also contains fat, but coconut oil canincrease metabolism, provide energy, make a person feel fuller and enhance thyroidfunction," said Dr. Donald D Hesrud, association profesor disease prevention andnutrition at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, as quoted from the Mayo Clinic on Friday (07/01/2011).

Experts reveal the type of fatty acids contained in coconut oil is one type of sound, and the body can burn it quickly to become energy.

Coconut oil diets usually by eating as much as three tablespoons of pure coconut oil. In addition a person is also advised to eat foods low in carbohydrates, and graduallyrestricting carbohydrate intake and do a colon cleansing.

If someone wants to use coconut oil as a weight loss program, it must consider thebalance between fat storage of fat consumed by the cells with the fat that is burned into energy. This is to prevent the buildup of fat in the liver.

"Short-term diet of coconut oil may not be harmful to health. But to achieve thenecessary long-term success also plan a healthy overall diet and exercise

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